is the last day to meet Mr.Marsigit, many thing I get during lecture in this
semester with him. This time he used the lecture Indonesian
and within 40 minutes.
He said if we
could actually feel
the college has
some notes or messages that are deliberately created by the pack Marsigit
addition to our
present but also for the future. You as a teacher
of mathematics, this is English for mathematic education so
importance, it is important to learn English for
mathematic education is in order to be Able to communicate mathematic
education. As such mathematics education or
mathematic education was not only made up of two words
such as mathematic and education, no.
But mathematic education
as a whole,
as a roundness,
a phenomenon, a
worldwide, the phenomenon of
the world, complete in all its aspects, complex, complete and then also
there are lots of factors there and many components, we can
mention one by one may . All students and
teaching aids, curriculum.
in learning English, he also expressed appreciation for you, on your efforts to
make the reflection though it needs to be passed as well, somehow else, it's
reflection to collect points. Although the gathering was aimed at intermediate
points, intermediate goals, the ultimate goal is that you are accustomed to
write, to express your true idea and writing, writing in English. And also
contains a message that is continuously learning anything and everything,
anytime and continuously. The proof you can access the internet anytime. Later on, internet website,
or create their
own reflection in fact it has many functions and is
the most basic function
is to educate, educate
us. Although also
in the philosophy course, you also
will read again
but in contact
philosophy, read in
the context of the English language. We also learn to
express opinions which are not under pressure,
this study is
important because it must be in the situation
calm, happy, high
motivation, which is free from
all forms of pressure. Learned
that fear element,
or when the test
was not afraid of
anything. So, overall
mathematics education, you are there in the UNY department of education in this should know that everything is dimensionless, the knowledge
dimension, dimension of water, high levels of water to steam, the water level
is so low so
ice it. Then the
dimension that science
was a science
degree high and
low levels of knowledge,
higher-order thinking and think low level, if the
math to college
with your name
is already reading
his articles, you
already feel in
sync. Thus the mathematics
for college it is
formal mathematics, or pure mathematics,
mathematics as a science. But, low math for kids, different definitions,
for a child that science
is not the definition
of the activities, let alone
children, our course,
much of our knowledge which can not be defined
as love, no one
can define love except scripture. If there is
love divine scriptures
definition. He himself was 56 years old he
has not finished defining
love to his wife. At the very least, he has
not passed tomorrow. Then the students were
and we had
what we define the
concept of length. Just because
people want to play
mathematical definition, whether it's long,
whether it's width? High? Is it close? Who
can define a close? Far? Away is not close, only those
small-minded and narrow
if he wants
to define everything, that's what we have to realize, therefore math to young
children that are not defined but defined
as an activity. Therefore,
the notions mentioned
he only obtained
intuitively. You can not define what is called long term
but you understand
the concept, because it's definition, just
like a great concept. That
intuition, and therefore we do not know when it's
big and small, as
well as great grandchildren
he knows little
about. Therefore the
mathematical concepts learned from adults,
parents, originally from teachers who do not understand. Small children do not have
anything wrong, people
who do not have
the power of not having done anything wrong, which one is the one
in power, dominion teacher wrong, wrong
dominion father, his
son went along anyway. The wife is also so
dependent husband. For example ahmad fathanah,
answer yes of her, see a beautiful woman, the love of money, willing and
approached the other. And in the end the two
are also wrong, it
all started with the ruling. Therefore
we should not blame the students, we should not blame the students who
are not gifted.
English through a lot of things that can be delivered. If
it's just learning grammar,
it's already there
in book, ranging from
easy to difficult. You owe a sister who
live still in
junior high school or elementary school. And so on, so it's another language, then copy,
from those who
can speak English. Of course
listening to video or audio, yes tempo-tempo alone
do not just listen to justin bieber alone.
Just listen mathematics english. Thus, the
problem he is also the same as the problem is how to facilitate teacher. How
can teachers facilitate students, serve you
so much if
it can not use the traditional method, certainly
in tatters hassles. It is unreliable, Thank
God no website, so although I can not leave
ya, ya although
there is an assistant, you can go to the
website and learn English,
and his English
is not too structure
because it is live, because live sometimes
not systematic, that
is difference maniora science and mathematics.
If you are not
familiar, you would bother. The most basic task
of teachers is how to facilitate
students to learn mathematic, student need
to learn English. So, there must be a need
of the student, should
be no need of you, if you do not need it will
get killed left and right in arms science because you like
an escape. Same also when you become a teacher, if you give the non sense that
science. What would be given stock. But if students already enjoys, students
are motivated, and so forth, few students will seek and ask again. So, a lot of
learning theories and math education so that you have principles. Nowadays if
we do not have principles like beautiful women in Jakarta 45 people fooled by
ahmad fathanah because they have no principles. So, if you do not have tossed
around the principles of life, learning theory equally well if you do not have
principles, which are synchronous learning theories which are innovative, then
you will also oscillate, especially when you write a thesis, as a final
project. you have to spell out the basic theory.
theoretical foundation of the world should be in sync as you consciously or
unconsciously, we are building a community of his world, English language
learning community, where lecturers are Marsigit pack. So, since then we have konfrensive
world see education from a variety of aspects, from the right side, left or so.
So one solution is a lot of reading, so know. For example, we arrive at the
concept of the nature or essence, as many people read or do something similar
then that person has a nature. Essence of the concept of what length, then
everyone has the essence of each, so there are two parts, namely the nature of
the nature of the objective and the subjective, objective nature of the
interaction therefore have a lot to read. Because if not, we will lose the
essence of the other person. Whose name was tossed around, not read and do not
understand. Does anyone here want to be married to 10 or to 15 of grandparent
fertile, if I had better be a grandparent Marsigit alone (he says laughing).
Have an establishment it mean when you write scientific
papers, papers, thesis not all theories
are taken. Do not be confused, for example, psychology, behavior rich,
it's not suitable. Back when people still
primitive, the trials using animals. No need to animals, humans now
is like that, if offered
food during the day
and would immediately want to eat,
it is called
stimulus response. Just today the
psychological stimulus response
was not fit
us, because you
have been influenced by Mr. Marsigit pack, or
only 5%, so
if there is a
stimulus, I can
not say that stimulus B. Various our response,
thus, making the
stimulus teacher, students
will not necessarily
fit the desired respons
teacher, because now
it's his time unpredictable.
A very difficult era
translated so stimulus
response theory is
no longer appropriate. To be replaced, so holographic, unpredictable,
a person familiar with the good, next
thing I knew stealing, raping,
neighbors again. Moreover,
only in terms of her face so unpredictable. Upcoming,
many unimaginable events and one of them
is the solution we
need to access the information as much as possible. Then based on the first principle. He wants to be the value of the character can still be developed. Most do not. There are
3 characters that character yourself, but
if you want to
improve your character then
thinks better apply to others as well. if you want
to improve again, you can make a contribution, it holds good of the
institution, institutions or networking.
Suppose you become chairman of UNESCO, your
goodness will flow spread throughout the world. The most high-Wah, or
dean, dean goodness
it is more distributed
than just a regular
lecturer, so the rector,
so the chairman, the
chairman of the virtues to be more effective would
be distributed to other people rather than just a member. So,
once again the
main problem is how to facilitate,
how to facilitate. He has repeatedly talked about this. To talk easy but
very difficult to
put into practice. Moreover, who only want to
talk alone, show
off, showing off the lecture,
like his but
only a few. The next problem is to increase your
knowledge level and
your role to others besides myself, one of
which competence. Competence
is English and that
the English language can be considered formally and informally. The formal
exam, yes I
can B, A, A-, but informally while English
course. You should
now be able to predict the target value toefl.
Life more difficult, since more and more people to college, so the professor
now is not easy.
To rise so rector
head so it must
be right doctor, the professor should IVD
group, now also
not easy to
find a job. Lecturers
now have to S2,
S2 even if
the domestic flight
to teachers, like pack indigo inspiration
and it turns out
graduates in the country and abroad, in the
Netherlands accept in UNY. So life is getting
competitive, so true
English 80%, your
fate is determined by your ikthiar.
So iktihar, 80%
of your career set your english. Then
he would suggest targeting
toefl above 500. I
now do not know
if tomorrow there is still a
second english or
not, if there are
2 english toefl
later we run
into, in addition to making scholarly works but
also the English language. And
toefl practice it, it's a reflection of experience reading, his old course, get
toefl 550. But the young ones can be 580 because he read a lot. Then his
memory, and also intelligence, one of the people who intelligence high, when thinking is
never tired. So if he his mediocrity. If he work toefl 3 hours already bored.
However, another theory says quickly bored too creative. Depending on the
genre, but quickly tired of it could be, but if you can not how. Stupid for not
intense. So, another message he wants to convey, use learning resources that
can be used anywhere. Including you are taking classes. He also always changing
during lectures methods course, finding an optimal way, and he found the
concept which replace one with the other ways that complement each other. To
communicate mathematic is English, students communicate in it is important
there, the big problem is universal for all those who suffered, that people do
not experience it. Accountability, everyone trust us and vice versa. Parents
trust you, and you should also trust them. He also believes about
grandchildren, believing he was married to his wife, he believes the law, he
believes in-laws, he believed grandchildren, believed to hospitals when sick
grandson. You believe will suit you, will protect your clothes. Facing the
various uncomfortable side. You believe in Marsigit pack, believes the Faculty,
the University believes there can be periods graduation diploma, and diploma
from here can be used to find a job. You are given the opportunity to speak not
until a minute, and I give 90, 95, because I believe. If the errors are many,
continues to exist ah ho ho, there are words that wanted to be reviewed, said
circle, and about, that's the basic, basic prounouncation actually have much to
learn. Determine example again, read ditemin, not ditermain, now read naw, not
nou, read anggel angle, not Anjel. Teachers who have high accountability is
Japanese, because it can be watched by the whole world. Accountability Indonesia
is still low, it is transparent and accountable, clear rules, or at least no
expert or experts. Do not let your college makes trauma. Therefore, once again,
he hoped, you continue to make a reflection to collect points, the actual
mission is to educate as well as for exercise. Who use google translate,
perhaps supposing no longer have to use google translate. Yes he said at the
end of his lecture that frankly there are elements of pride, in reading my
article, very much in the present appeal, such as the broken egg, broken eggs
if the S1, S2's so creative, if S3 was learned that the professor's life
preparing. So he still maintains to ride motorcycles. If he always maintain
stamina, he also apologized and I've sincere you as students. He invites all students
to pray and end the lecture.