Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Wishes a student to her teacher

Pend. Matematika Subsidi 2012

After I read this article, evidently many thing I didn't know in teaching. All points of this article can be packed when I'm teaching later. It explain really detail about a student wishes who want independent learning. Teacher have to use this method to students. This learning include one of the modern learning. teacher is a facilitator only. This thing to exercise the independent students. all of wishes of students is not many. because maybe from 30 students, only 10 students want asking the wishes like that. but from 10 students must there are many students to follow it. this modern learning can make students think according their mind and they can get many knowledge than teacher teach with their traditional method now.
because of this article, I as a teacher want to apply LKS learning and independent learning on my class. And to all of teachers be expected change their traditional method of their learning. they have to make many method such as the variation method, creative method, and the spirit of challenge to their students.
after teachers do that method. I hope they don't forget about understanding of their students. there are some students have easy understand and there are some students have difficult understand. teachers can't be partial, but they have to selective to choose the method. so that, all of students can understand what they want to say to them. use of technology right now can make achievements of students is increase. And I hope , from this article many teachers can make the education goals be come true.
thank you .

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