Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Why do you think people's basic math skills are weak?

Pend. Matematika Subsidi 2012

After I read this article, I agree with Mr. Marsigit, because we can't force students to learn such pure mathematics. this thing influence the emotional of students. students can kill their self because of stress. students need practice not theory. their brain of elementary school to practice only. if we force them to understand about the theory, they will be crazy. teachers as facilitator must be creative, they have to creative with their environment.
students not weak in every lesson,the problem is only the creativity teaching of teachers. we can't say they have the weak thinking. we have our talent. talent's of students is different, this is same with their thinking. I think the interval of teaching must be change, so the teachers not say their students have the weak thinking. thanks.

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